
Kenapa Perlu Kepada Dinar ???...

Abu Bakar Ibn Abi Maryam melaporkan bahawa beliau mendengar Rasulullah SAW telah bersabda: "Akan tiba suatu zaman di mana tiada apa yang bernilai dan boleh digunakan oleh umat manusia. Maka simpanlah Dinar dan Dirham (untuk digunakan)". [ Musnad Imam Ahmad Ibn Hanbal ] Read More

Kenapa Perlu Kepada Dinar ???...

Emas merupakan komoditi yang paling stabil harganya. Pada 18 Julai 2001, sekeping syiling Kijang Emas seberat 1 auns harganya ialah RM1,082.00. Hari ini pada tarikh 1 Julai 2010, ia sudah boleh dijual dengan harga RM4,104.00 Keuntungan 400% dalam masa 9 tahun!
[ Tuan Guru Datuk Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat ] Read More

Kenapa Perlu Kepada Dinar ???...

“Mata wang Amerika Syarikat kini boleh dianggap sebagai tisu tandas kerana nilainya semakin menyusut dan tidak berharga berbanding emas yang diterima di semua negara dunia. Langkah menggunakan Dinar emas sebagai ganti mata wang utama seperti dollar AS dalam pelbagai transaksi juga boleh menghentikan perang mata wang”.
[ Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad ] Read More

Kenapa Perlu Kepada Dinar ???...

Kapitalisme merupakan Sistem yang muncul dari aqidah sekularisme yang meletakkan kebebasan sebagai asas utamanya. Ia menyebabkan bertambahnya jurang antara yang kaya dan miskin. Kapitalisme dicipta bukan untuk mengatasi masalah kemiskinan bahkan ia berfungsi mempertingkatkannya!
[ Capitalism Economics ] Read More

Kenapa Perlu Kepada Dinar ???...

"Saya pernah diutus Umar bin Abdul Aziz untuk memungut zakat ke Afrika. Setelah memungutnya, saya berniat untuk memberikannya kepada orang-orang miskin. Namun, saya tidak menjumpai seorang pun. Akhirnya, saya memutuskan untuk membeli hamba sahaya lalu memerdekakannya."
[ Sirah Umar Abdul Aziz, ms 59 ] Read More

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Hai... Cetak Duit Pun Dah Silap ???

Kalau dah nama buatan manusia, mesti ada cacat cela...
Duit pun boleh salah cetak...

As a metaphor for our troubled economic and financial era -- and the government's stumbling response -- this one's hard to beat. You can't stimulate the economy via the money supply, after all, if you can't print the money correctly.

Because of a problem with the presses, the federal government has shut down production of its flashy new $100 bills, and has quarantined more than 1 billion of them -- more than 10 percent of all existing U.S. cash -- in a vault in Fort Worth, Texas, reports CNBC.

"There is something drastically wrong here," one source told CNBC. "The frustration level is off the charts."

[Related: Money fair showcases $100,000 bill]

Officials with the Treasury and the Federal Reserve had touted the new bills' sophisticated security features that were 10 years in the making, including a 3-D security strip and a color-shifting image of a bell, designed to foil counterfeiters. But it turns out the bills are so high-tech that the presses can't handle the printing job.

More than 1 billion unusable bills have been printed. Some of the bills creased during production, creating a blank space on the paper, one official told CNBC. Because correctly printed bills are mixed in with the flawed ones, even the ones printed to the correct design specs can't be used until they 're sorted. It would take an estimated 20 to 30 years to weed out the defective bills by hand, but a mechanized system is expected to get the job done in about a year.

[Related: Design firm seeks to rebrand dollar with Obama's image]

Combined, the quarantined bills add up to $110 billion -- more than 10 percent of the entire U.S. cash supply, which now stands at around $930 billion.

The flawed bills, which cost around $120 million to print, will have to be burned.

The new bills are the first to include Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner's signature. In order to prevent a shortfall,the government has ordered production of the old design, which includes the signature of Bush administration Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson. That, surely, is not the only respect in which the nation's lead economic officials would like to turn back the clock to sometime before the 2008 financial crisis.

[Rewind: Another printing snafu delays $100 bill]

(AP photo of older $100 bills rolling off the presses: Doug Mills)

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